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lunes, 13 de marzo de 2023

Nayib Bukele birth chart: the astrology of the president of El Salvador

 Video en español - articulo en ingles

The natal chart of Nayib Bukele. Then the astrological analysis.

Due to the relevance that his figure has taken on in recent weeks, I started looking for the natal chart of Nayib Bukele (president of El Salvador).

I had a hard time finding it, the big world astrology sites have not yet "raised" it. In the middle of the search, I came across a tweet from the same president of the year 2019 where he shows a chart of a natal chart with the date and supposed time of his birth.

I tested it with important dated events in his life (applying transits and directions) and found it consistent. In fact, with those events from the past, I tried a rectification, which gave me four minutes after the time he published.

Below is his rectified birth chart and an analysis of the issues that seem to me to be the most outstanding in it.

I will also share the astral chart of his presidency (date and time of inauguration) and I will explain why I consider it an extremely favorable chart, it almost seems chosen by an astrologer.

Before starting the analysis, I can't stop imagining what would happen if in Argentina a president who has just taken office publishes his natal chart in a tweet...

I start with what seems to me the most prominent and important in this natal chart. There are two conjunctions that I consider fundamental, and that already indicated him as someone destined to stand out and exercise leadership.

The first is the conjunction of the Sun (powerful in Leo) with the beneficial North Node. Some ancient astrologer might have thought "a possible King was born here", due to the combination of the Sun with Leo and with the North Node in an exact conjunction. Of course, a person with this configuration does not necessarily have to be King or president of a Nation; what this aspect speaks to us is the tremendous leadership potential, someone favored to lead and do it with success and recognition (not necessarily at a public level).

This astrological configuration speaks to me of command, leadership and authority, solar qualities that undoubtedly give a natural ability to be the center and radiate energy and that others follow one without forcing it, a product of its authenticity and nobility (virtues of I read in good aspects as in this case). The presence of this person does not go unnoticed, regardless of the role he occupies in society. Of course, this benign conjunction occurs in the 2nd House, greatly favors the economy of the person and the generation of resources.

The second conjunction that powerfully caught my attention also because of its partiality (accuracy) is that of Jupiter with Saturn. This conjunction occurs in heaven every 20 years, and in ancient times it was given great importance because it indicated the great cycles of societies. In 1981, after approximately 700 years, Jupiter and Saturn met again in an air sign, and this indicated a great paradigm shift.

Bukele was born with a conjunction that defines the times, and the fact that the Sun is in aspect (sextile) to said conjunction makes me think that he is a man who was destined to carry out a paradigm shift at the level of his community, with a strong sense of order (Saturn) and justice (Jupiter). Order and rigor is predominant, since Saturn is the stronger of the two because it is exalted in Libra, and Jupiter being co-ruler of his MC indicates that his executive role will be exercised "saturnine": with severity and hardness.

There is another outstanding issue in his natal chart, and it is the presence of Mars in House 1 in square to the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction. Mars in the first reaffirms the qualities of command, and gives the person a lot of courage, bravery and fighting ability. His decisions regarding crime and gangs are perfectly explained by the position of Mars in first trine to the MC. Being with bad dignities in Cancer (fallen) and in tension with the two aforementioned planets, the expression of that command can sometimes be excessive and with violent overtones.

This square (especially the Mars-Saturn contact) is a risky aspect, which can lead him to experience critical situations and even danger to his life, and I say this because Saturn rules the natal 8th House (and Mars the House 6). In a more psychological sense, this square speaks of a person who has to learn to be more patient (Saturn) and not so impulsive (Mars). And it can also tell us about legal, judicial conflicts, as well as being the focus of moral and ethical criticism (Jupiter afflicted by Mars).

He is a man with enormous skills for communication, the intellectual world, advertising, marketing (in fact, before being a politician he was an entrepreneur in these areas) and this is due to his Gemini Ascendant and his Venus in House 3: astrological combinations that give a person a great capacity to express himself, to easily convey what he thinks, to reach the masses in a pleasant way.

Speech and actions that generate a lot of popularity and recognition, this is given in his natal chart not only by the conjunction of the Sun in Leo with the North Node, but also by the trine that the Moon (people/masses) has with Venus (sympathy, adhesions), especially that the Moon is in the 11th House, which is a house of contact with the social and the community. People with Moon in the 11th House tend to find a lot of support in group settings, or organizations, since the native feels comfortable (Moon) seeking to respond to collective or social problems (11th House) exercising almost a maternal role of protection in those settings.

Mercury, ruler of the Ascendant in Cancer and in the 2nd House, speaks of a person who is internally very sensitive and protective, although his appearance is more of someone mental and intellectual (Ascendant in Gemini). Also that location of Mercury, speaks of a person clinging to his roots, be it both family and homeland and a lover of traditions (combination in his natal chart of Cancer / Taurus / 2nd House / Saturn / 4th House).

His Moon in Taurus gives him great tenacity and resistance, as well as a taste for what is stable and familiar. The square with the Sun shows an internal tension, in relation to what he wants (Sun) and what he needs to feel safe (Moon), and also a need to be appreciated and recognized. The parallel of the Moon with Pluton speaks of a person with strong emotions, of great emotional and family intensity, which can lead him to experience great crises in that area of his life.

I cannot fail to observe that its square Moon (0º Taurus) - Sun (1º Leo), will receive in 2024 and 2025 (and incipiently in mid-2023) the inharmonious transit of Pluto from the beginning of Aquarius, forming a square T. Which indicates a period of many tensions and complications for him. On the one hand, it can become even tougher in his policies, and perhaps, on the other hand, it can point to consequences for his actions, as well as a greater tendency to suffer betrayal. A transit should not be analyzed only outside the rest of the astrological context, surely later I will do a more in-depth analysis of all its transits, progressions and revolutions for its next years.

Neptune in House 7 is also something of importance in his chart, he speaks of someone idealistic and sensitive in his emotional ties (Neptune in seventh trine Venus). But also Neptune located there can indicate a person with a greater tendency to suffer deception or disappointment in their relationships or societies. He must be careful when making alliances or looking for agreements, since he can be deceived or self-deceived.

Finally, in relation to his natal chart and as the icing on the cake, the participation of the fixed stars. Generally, personalities with a public impact tend to have conjunctions of fixed stars on their personal planets or natal angles, and Bukele is no exception.

In his natal chart we find the presence of several fixed stars:
1) Ruler of your ASC (Mercury) together with the beneficent star Sirius: fame, honors, favors communication and intellect, favorable for business.

2) Midheaven together with the star Deneb Adige: "mercurial" star that greatly enhances the intellect and ingenuity.

3) Moon conjoint to the star Mirach, of a "Venusian" nature, it can grant charm and sensitivity.

4) Venus conjunct Regulus, can give generosity, as well as intensity. More impact on affective life.

The birth chart of Bukele's inauguration to the presidency

The fact that Bukele has shared his natal chart makes me think that he is an astrology fan. But when I saw the birth chart of his inauguration to the presidency (extremely favorable day and time) it made me suspect that the president, in addition to being an amateur, may have astrological advice. I noticed that the presidents in El Salvador always take office on June 1, what would have to be found out is if they always did it in the morning or if this occasion was "by chance" an exception.

Conjecture aside, let's get down to the concrete. Bukele was sworn in as president at 10:20 a.m.:

This astral chart is one of the best I've seen for a president upon taking office and it explains very well the success of his government.

The Moon in Taurus, exalted and conjoined with a beneficent proxy (Venus domiciled in Taurus). This aspect already speaks of a popular government, with great approval (Venus) of the majority of the people (Luna). This is strongly enhanced because said conjunction is at the top of the card, angular, attached to the MC. This indicates a successful government, which meets its objectives.

In addition, this conjunction MC/Luna/Venus receives the trine of Saturn and Pluto, granting a lot of stability and transformation capacity. In addition, a sextile of Neptune that gives a social sense to the government and even with spiritual or religious overtones. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction in House 6 points to the harsh policies adopted in terms of national security and the leading role of these forces.

Then, I observe that the Ascendant is in Leo (according to a presidential government, of action), and what is remarkable is that he is receiving a trine of another seized fortune (Jupiter in Sagittarius), it seems the exact schedule chosen by an astrologer. Successful, popular and recognized government, especially if we see that the ruler of the ASC is powerful in the 10th House and without afflictions (Sun in Gemini in the tenth without bad aspects): a fast, do-gooder and practical government.

He could delve into other issues, but this is the most important and prominent thing that the birth chart of Assumption has.

This once again demonstrates what I have been demonstrating for years: the importance of the birth chart of the presidential inauguration, which broadly indicates the future of that government. Of course, this also applies to anything that is started, from the opening of a company, the inauguration of a business, the foundation of an institution, etc. You always have to try to make everything you start at a favorable astrological moment and according to entrepreneurship.

Juan Cruz Sirius.
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